Ag buildings come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from small machine sheds to large grain storage silos. Our Agricultural module will prove invaluable in helping you assess every one.

You’ll be able to assess almost any type of agricultural building – and the farmland too. With added ‘wizards’ that help you price typical equipment features on buildings, you’ll be able to accurately assess everything from single family farms to the large scale corporate types.

  • Agriculture Features:

    • Building pricing on-the-fly.
    • Up to 100 outbuildings per parcel.
    • Duplicating Ag Buildings is just a click away.
    • Adjustments and Equipment “Typical” wizards for each pricing type.
    • Dozens of predefined structure types create uniformity across all parcels.
    • SmartScreens show only necessary data fields for proper listing and pricing.
    • “Quick Tips” to aid data entry, giving the user immediate feedback about the boundaries of a field or what constitutes valid data for a given pricing type.
    • And more…