I would like to let you know how much my firm appreciates your Vanguard website. As an appraiser and realtor, I am constantly researching property information on various Assessors’ websites in the State of Iowa. I have come to realize that there are two main websites in use in the state. Beacon and Vanguard. Your Vanguard site has thorough and detailed information on all properties. My staff is always pleased when they discover a county uses Vanguard’s website. The other site available is Beacon. We often find that the property information is lacking to the point that we need to bypass the website and get information directly from the Assessor’s office. This seems to defeat the purpose of even having a website!

As a power user of Assessor’s websites, I feel that Vanguard is the only and obvious choice. And I have told my own Supervisors as much.

Jim Kesterson
Kesterson Appraisal & Consulting
Fort Dodge, Iowa